Lineflux (RCA)
旗艦級訊號線 Lineflux RCA

Refinement Personified
All audiophiles search for the same qualities: Verisimilitude to the original event, a sense of engagement promoting suspension of disbelief, a visceral immersion in the audio video experience.

The dilemma faced by many is that poor recording values are more apparent as audio systems gain clarity, transparency and resolution. Recordings that are acceptable sounding on a compromised system may grate as the bass, midrange and upper frequencies open up.

The wideband, smooth, extremely low noise and utterly musical presentation achieved by Furutech’s beautifully finished Lineflux cables is down to meticulous engineering and a careful audition of various suitable materials. These results in the superb overall balance of qualities that Furutech is known for that allow you to feel, experience and communicate with music.

Furutech Lineflux interconnects feature solid-core α (Alpha) OCC conductor, double-layer shielding, and a high-grade polyethylene dielectric with insulating materials that further dampen the transmission line. The substantially-built extremely nonresonant RCA or XLR connectors are finished in layered carbon fiber and stainless steel with rhodium-plated pins.

The results are extremely fine resolution down and through the very low noise floor, improved sound staging and image palpability, a musical, attractive, “round” midrange, tight and controlled bass, plus power and dynamics to spare.
Furutech Lineflux

對於音響配件線材製作極為專精的Furutech, 再度為旗下線材產品推出全新FluxCable系列, 其外觀上最鮮明的特色之一,就是全線產品使用碳纖維製作的端子插頭,製作技術更是匯聚目前Furutech所有大成於一身,要為頂尖線材傳輸性能與製作品質寫下全新定義。


每對Lineflux系列的訊號線都是一米二的長度, 不論RCA或XLR版本皆然。導體部分採用的是Furutech α(Alpha)OCC單結晶無氧銅導體,這是他們獨家研發的導體材質,能夠極為穩定平均低耗損地傳遞聲音訊號,而線身外部則是以高品質聚乙烯做披覆絕緣。至於關鍵的端子部分,Lineflux使用的是獨家CF-601MR/CF-602FR XLR端子,融合碳纖維材質的製作,不但外觀氣質與眾不同,對於端子整體之諧振抑制更可說具有奇效。而傳導材質更是此端子的設計重點,其中央正極導體與線材導體一樣,用上獨家Alpha OCC單結晶無



Top of the Line for 2009! Furutech Lineflux Series Interconnects

Refinement Personified
All audiophiles search for the same qualities: Verisimilitude to the original event, a sense of engagement promoting suspension of disbelief, a visceral immersion in the audio video experience.

The dilemma faced by many is that poor recording values are more apparent as audio systems gain clarity, transparency and resolution. Recordings that are acceptable
•Solid α (Alpha) OCC Conductor
•Double-layer shielding for improved noise insulation
•Insulation/Dielectric: High-grade polyethylene
oBeautiful, hefty rhodium-plated carbon fiber and stainless steel
oCF-102R RCAs connectors
•The best damping and insulation materials available for improved frequency extension and smooth tonal balance
•Carefully engineered cable clamp improves grip reduces mechanical and electrically-induced distortion
•Dimensions: Cable diameter approx. 13.0mm
• Overall length: 1.2M/set