
NCF Clear Line-LAN 線路優化器

其中令我印象最深刻的當屬Furutech NCF Clear Line系列線路優化器,它向來標榜「隨插即用」的便利性,能在不改變系統配置的情況下,達到立竿見影的調聲效果。繼過去的電源和RCA、XLR等插頭形式後,這次針對數位流玩家的需求,推出NCF Clear Line-LAN和NCF Clear Line-USB兩款新品,它們具有RJ45 和USB-A插頭,機身採用原廠特殊的結構與材料製造,只需插在器材閒置的端子上,就能吸收數位雜訊,提升訊噪比,讓您無痛升級數位流音質。



NCF Clear Line-USB是否真有原廠說得這麼神?當然還是得耳聽為憑,我首先將它接在我的I-O Data Soundgenic音樂伺服器之上,用耳機系統比較使用前後差異。播放70年代搖滾天團Led Zeppelin第二張專輯第二軌的「What Is And What Should Never Be」,一開聲立刻發現音樂底噪降低不少,使人聲和樂器也像是揭開了一層薄霧變得透明許多,耳機的空間感大了一圈,也讓樂器的編排不再顯得平面,不僅橫向空間感加寬了,連過去耳機較難表現的縱深也更加突出,讓樂器的定位感更立體、更有層次。曲中的人聲從樂團中被突顯出來,原來的聲音毛邊都消失了,展現主從分明的3D立體感。電吉他猛暴的distortion音色此時也不再顯得嘈雜,撥弦動態更鮮明,電貝斯與爵士鼓的節奏更是拳拳到肉、彈性十足!NCF Clear Line-USB比起同質性產品,最大的優勢在於即便使音樂分離度提高、雜訊降低,卻沒有因此犧牲形體感,讓聲音聽起來細小緊繃,反而變得更寬鬆、更有水分。


接著我將NCF Clear Line-LAN接到網路交換器上,改用兩聲道系統測試,它同樣能營造出開闊立體的音場效果,例如播放巴倫波因領奏的莫札特「第一號鋼琴三重奏」,NCF Clear Line-LAN立刻展現出鮮明的音場定位感,能清楚感受到大提琴在右、小提琴在左、鋼琴在後的三角定位感。同時樂器的距離被拉開許多,遇到三件樂器齊奏的樂句時,不再在有凌亂的感覺,可以細細品味演奏細節。小提琴呈現出一種更緊密、更細緻的線條感,鋼琴落鍵的動態也大幅增強,強音演奏的能量收放更加犀利明快。大提琴乍聽之下少了一些豐潤的感覺,其實是少了臃腫和膨脹,使形體變得緊密紮實,也能聽到更豐富的琴腔共鳴細節,還原更真實的樂器音色。


過去我評測過NCF Clear Line全系列線路優化器,包括電源、RCA和XLR等版本,它們雖然都有淨化音質的效果,但影響程度都不及這次的NCF Clear Line-LAN/USB來得強烈,證明數位流系統受電磁波的干擾遠比類比擴大機或電源來得嚴重,也是影響數位流音質的最大天敵。而這款NCF Clear Line-LAN/USB線路優化器就是數位流玩家的調音聖品,只需插在閒置的端子上,就能由內而外、對症下藥,達到無痛淨化音質的目的。

內文取自PRIME AV352期

Featuring 24k Gold-Plated Nonmagnetic RJ45 (8P8C) Connectors A specially engineered 24k gold-plated copper alloy EMI shield incorporated into the RJ45 connector provide more stable, clearer, and more accurate audio transmission. The excellent conductivity of gold can ensure more stable, accurate signal transmission stability, and consistency of audio signals. Reduced Electromagnetic Interference is essential for avoiding interference from electromagnetic noise in the surrounding environment.

Electrolytic Capacitor
Our electrolytic capacitors are engineered to optimize the acoustic performance of your devices. We've conducted extensive testing to select the ideal type and specifications of capacitor to elevate sound quality to its highest potential. The outer layer of our electrolytic capacitors is coated with a high-performance silver-colored special damping treatment, effectively suppressing unwanted vibrations, and enhancing sound clarity. Additionally, our capacitors feature advanced tuning technology designed to eliminate any noise interference originating from your equipment's output terminals, ensuring an unparalleled sound experience.

Using Furutech's NCF Clear Line-LAN is easy. Simply insert the NCF Clear Line-LAN into the available LAN terminals of your ethernet equipment. For optimal results, insert this product into the available ethernet terminals of your system's AP router, ethernet switch/ethernet wall outlet/ethernet modem.The improvement in performance is remarkable. You will immediately notice an improvement in soundstage depth and focus, as well as in the improvement of harmonics and balance of sound. It increases transparency and reduces high-frequency noise. It enhances the overall contrast, reduces distortion, and increases clarity.

※The screws of this product are fixed. Please do not disassemble or modify by yourself.
※We recommend aging for 24 hours or more.
※The carbon fiber pattern of the shell varies depending on the product. It is formed with composite carbon damping material and will only enhance the listening experience.
※Furutech uses non-magnetic stainless steel for some parts. However, stainless steel parts may exhibit weak magnetism due to stresses created during fabrication. It does not affect performance.